Sense Sound/Sound Sense


Fluxus Music, Scores & Records in the Luigi Bonotto collection

a cura di Patrizio Peterlini e Walter Rovere

testi di Alison Knowles, Anna Cestelli Guidi, Patrizio Peterlini, Walter Rovere

cm 16,5 x 24
228 pages
testo italiano-inglese

Nuova edizione ampliata e aggiornata in occasione della mostra alla Whitechapel Gallery di Londra



History of Western music can be divided into BC (Before Cage) and AC (After Cage). I was a lucky girl to have bumped into him in my roller coaster life. Us downtown artists called him J.C., for Jesus Christ… not to his face, but when we spoke about him amongst us. He was a good friend, and I miss him. (Yoko ono, Fall 2011).